Artists Re-Imagine N.W.A.’s “Straight Outta Compton” Cover :::: #Entertainment

With the success of the N.W.A. bioStraight Outta, the legendary hip-hop group has seen a resurgence.
Noisey tapped a number of artists to reimagine the iconic cover of the album the movie shares its title with.
"With Dre's new record now out, and Straight Outta Compton film mania now reaching full tilt, we decided to enlist a few of our favorite UK illustrators -- artists who were impacted hard by the music of NWA -- to have a pop at reimagining the iconic album cover of their rap heroes. Each person took a radically diferent route; some went full hallucinogenic, some went symbolic and others just went for straight up surreal," writes the website.
Check out a few of the covers above, and head over to Noisey to see the rest.

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