Miami’s Light Rail Connecting The Mainland To The Beach Is Back In Discussion :::: #MiamiNews

Miami’s public transportation system sucks. Flat out, it just does. While the answers are not easy as coming up with them and just building, certain voids are most definitely needed. And the Baylink (or “Light Rail”) project that would connect the Miami International Airport and/or Downtown Miami to Miami Beach is most definitely a project worth exploring.

Mayors for Miami, Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County have reopened talks about the potential Light Rail and are now determining whether it makes more sense to cross it over the MacArthur Causeway or the Julia Tuttle Causeway. Miami and Miami-Dade prefer the MacArthur while Miami Beach is still unsure.
The cost of the project is slated to be around the half-million mark, but you can pretty much bet it will somehow find a way to skyrocket to epic proportions. However, budget issues or not, this is definitely a needed transit option for the city.
Source: Miami Herald (Blog)

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