3 ways of becoming a Social Media Rapper by using Twitter!

Even-though Twitter is 4 years old you hear a lot of people saying Twitter is dead. I don’t believe that  is true. What I do believe is people especially rappers do not know how to use Twitter properly.  It is not always about bragging,beefing and trying to be comedian all the time. Nor  is about always pushing the next mix tape or track down a fan’s throat.  There are other ways of using Twitter instead of always pushing. Here are a few pull  tactics that will help you connect better with fans.
1.  Respond to both negative and positive responses:
When I look at rapper’s Twitter pages they rarely try to connect with their fans.  For example you just dropped a track to share with your fans. Fans are responding either saying they love it or hate it. But you as the artist don’t respond back. It never hurts to say thank you to a fan if they like your music. But here is thing, what if a fan responds back negatively are you going to respond with threats to kicking  their ass or just ignore them? I would say defiantly respond back and handle it with care. Who knows depending  on how you handle the situation you can turn the disgruntle fan into one of your top advocates!
2.  Take time to listen and respond to rap fans:
Every Rapper that wants to make it big or stay big,  should be using Twitter search to keep up with the vibe of the fans and how they are feeling about rap over all.   And it wouldn’t hurt if you made a one on one connection with the fan through Twitter. Your page should have a lot more @ symbols on it! That shows you are listening and responding to your fans. Remember a caring fan is also a paying fan!
3.  It ain’t all about a million followers:
It really isn’t about how many followers you have but the quality connections you make with your followers!  What good is it if you have a million followers but you are constantly doing push marketing on them where it is just a one way convo. Remember having quality fans that you care about and that care about you. Is a lot better than having a million followers that you don’t know or care about!

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